About Us

Established in 1999
In business for over 20 years, Design in a Kilt is a family run business that incorporates all aspects of design and construction. We are the premier choice for home remodel and renovations in the Grand Lake and surrounding areas.
"I guarantee I can save you more money than you will pay me."
-Reid Smith
Meet the Team
Stephanie Smith
Is the owner and ringmaster that is housed in her home decor shop. She somehow is able to smile while wrangling DK Home Accents, DK Coffee & Sweets, and Design in a Kilt.
Madizion Smith
The mixologist and heart of DK Coffee & Sweets. If you’re not sure what it is you would like to drink, she can figure it out. She is also Stephanie’s right hand gal.
Maceon Smith
The true wizard. When you come in to see what Reid and his team have come up with for your design, he is the one that paints the picture before your eyes. Definitely pay mind to the guy behind the curtain.
Jennie Moran
Our office administrator and song bird, she is the brains of the outfit. Contact her with all questions. Reid and Kim cannot answer.